Friday, April 8, 2011

big box supper?

I have heard that it worth the trip to the big box stores...for their hot dogs alone!  I can honestly say that I wouldn't know...since I have never sampled.  That almost changed yesterday!  My granddaughter sent out the invitation to stop by the grand opening of our new local 'big box' and support her Vertical Zone skipping purchasing a hot dog at their concession.

It was dinnertime by the time we arrived.  We watched the girls skip....and chatted with other family members who came for hotdogs.  And then...we left a donation and went home for supper.  After hosting Camp Grammy all week... a quiet dinner at home won out over eating hotdogs in a parking lot. 

The skipping team is soon off to Nelson for the provincial rope jumping competition...and we wish them all the best!


  1. Where's your sense of adventure? Ha! I'm sure that your appearance was much appreciated. Your granddaughter looks like a great jump roper...a real pro!

  2. All the way to Nelson to skip ...amazing. How wonderful that she gets such an adventure for all her hard work.
    OH. . . you preferred the quiet dinner at home? I'm most surprised ;)

  3. What a great activity for that age group! The opportunity to be part of at team and to do some traveling is a good thing.
    Now let's see;
    Hot dog in a parking lot or quiet dinner at your lovely table?
    No contest!

  4. Good choice Judy. I'm glad you had a quiet evening at home. What fun those kids have with their jump roping. Talk about being in good shape!

  5. It's always fun to see how those little grands of yours' are growing and competing and enjoying there years. Keeps you hopping, but what better joy than to hop along with them.

  6. Sometimes a quiet dinner at home beats all!

  7. That's wonderful to see the girls are skipping their way to good health, fun and competitions in another part of BC as well. I hope they got a good turnout and lots of parking lot picnickers!

  8. i love the things that never grow old... like skipping. I used to feel sorry for my Mom because she always seemed too busy to skip rope!
    Congratulations to the little 'skipper's ... I hope they come home with the gold!!

  9. I have yet to eat a hot dog from a big box store, but I'm sure they taste like all hot dogs. It's always fun tio support a good cause. :)

    Good luck to the skipping team, especially your grand daughter!

  10. You must be so proud of your granddaughter and her athletic skills in jump rope. I know she didn't care if you ate a hot dog or not, but more that you were there to support her. I know I would have chosen the same.

  11. I know she was glad to have her grandparents there...that's what really mattered...and that's what she will remember!


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson