Sunday, March 21, 2010

the tie that binds...

Blest be the tie that binds...
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds,
Is like to that above.

The words of a song that we often sang at communion in years gone by, came to mind as we worshiped with believers at this little church in Hawaii on our recent vacation.

We started every day off with a morning walk. One Sunday morning, our walk took us past Living Stones Church where the 7:30 am service was just beginning. Though the little church was already full, there was plenty of room in the oceanfront overflow area...and so we joined the outdoor service. The morning service ended with communion...and though we knew not a soul in the congregation...we felt that 'tie that binds'. How special to share that common bond...our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:7


  1. That looks so be able to sit outside and enjoy the service. Too bad everyone wasn't outside!

  2. It is so true that our identity in Christ binds us together....
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  3. We've felt that wonderful feeling in other parts of the world - what a wonderful connection!

  4. Oh I love that song and it does doesn't it.....what a great analogy those words provide. We can so relate to that wonderful chord of love and faith. What a cute little church by the way.

  5. He found a small place to worship as well when we were in Maui. . and we also found ourselves welcomed and oddly as though it might have been a place we often went. God's churh really is global. . and his people are without nationality.

    What a wonderful little setting to worship. I also love that little song.. . .still relevant today.

  6. Such sweet fellowship....and such a delightful little place to gather together and worship. Kathy (MGCC)

  7. We attended that little church last year when we vacationed in Kona too! Like you, we felt that "home away from home" feeling with our Hawaiian brothers and sisters in the Lord. It's a wonderful bond that we all have in the family of God!

  8. I had many neighbors growing up in La Jolla that would hie off to the Islands for a month long vacation each summer, usually to Maui. (Funny since we all lived just a block or two from the beach anyway...)

    Their stories of worshipping in outside services came back to me as I read this post; it was good to see the fellowship continues strong on the Island.

  9. I always enjoy worship in a church when we are away as the Christian kinship feels even more special.


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson