Wednesday, August 30, 2023

August ~ Summer's Last Stand

 I am trying tried to savour the moments...

...since summer will soon be a thing of the past.

Let me just re-cap a few of the happenings of the month.

Maggie participated in the National Track Championships in Sherbrooke, Quebec...
and did us all proud. 
She placed fourth in the country in the 800 meter for her age group...
and had a fantastic time back east.

We took Uncle Jake and Aunt Maggie for a country drive one evening...
and had refreshments on the porch after.

We always enjoy our time with them...
such a positive and encouraging couple.
A blessing to many!

Kris turned fifty this month.
How is that even possible?
I have half a century of a mother's memories to treasure! 
Wishing him much joy and God's richest blessings in the years ahead.

Central Community Church had a summer baptism at Harrison Lake.
We joined the crowds as dozens were baptized.
Such a great evening!

What better way to spend a warm summer night than with the masses at Mill Lake in Abbotsford than to take in the Symphony in the Park?

Having a granddaughter in the orchestra makes it even more special!

It was a fantastic evening.

Last week we also took in the opening ceremony of the BC Senior Games in Abbotsford...
where Ranen was playing with the Abbotsford Youth Orchestra.

There has been a lot of smoke here this month...
making breathing difficult and obscuring the nearby mountains.

Our province is in a record-breaking wildfire season. 

Our hearts go out to the thousands that are evacuated...
and the many that have lost their homes.

Over the years we have made a lot of fond memories at the 'Baerg cabin' at Scotch Creek.  It was originally my parents' and now belongs to my sisters.  It was in the path of the fires last week...
but is still standing. Others in the area were not so fortunate!
Some 131 buildings in the area burned...
including the firehall and many homes and businesses.

This old barn that stood next to the grocery store in Scotch Creek...
apparently went up in smoke.
I have many pictures of it in my files.

Tis the season!

The  salsa is are the pickles.

Jeremy and Broni flew overseas to pay Emme a visit.
Apparently a good time was had by all!

Now it's our turn to check up on her!

Until then...


  1. Another full month behind us! Wonderful recap. Happy travels to you. Looking forward to hearing about your time away!

  2. I always look forward to your monthly posts! Such a beautiful family and so many Life Experiences you do with and for others. I'm glad the family home escaped the fires.

  3. Our lives are filled with many wonderful moments and it is so good to capture them like this. I envy your trip to Europe and I look forward to hearing about it.

  4. Fabulous reason to travel - enjoy and safe travels. The wildfires are just so tragic. Thankful you have been spared.


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson