Monday, September 10, 2007

Castles in the Sand

Yes...we are being promised another week of summer weather with temperatures rising to 30 C most days! How nice is that? There's still time to head to the lake and build a few sand castles. We drove out to Harrison Lake yesterday afternoon to check out all the people who were doing just that! Harrison plays host to a sand-castle competition every September and entrants from around the world come out to play. Here's a few samples from the 2007 entries...

...and here's one just for my sister Bev (who lives in South Texas), by Amazin Walter from South Padre Island, Texas.

And there's always time for a picnic. Ryder came to spend some time with Grammy this morning and we had a Teddy bear picnic on the front porch.

Do they come any cuter than that?

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful pictures. And that grandchild is something to brag about too. ;)


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson