It has been said that you have to know where you are from to know where you are going. I was reminded yesterday that I had once done the
'where I'm from' exercise...and it was still in my files...unshared. So today I'm telling you where I am from.
I am from a dairy farm in the country…Ford cars, trucks and tractors…and everything homemade.
I am from the old farmhouse with double porches, dormer windows, creaky stairs and farmhouse smells…from wood-burning stove, wringer washer and long clothelines.
I am from lilacs, rhodos, climbing roses and hummingbirds…from transparent apples, Italian prunes, Royal Anne cherries..from bullrushes in the ditch and blackberries along the fence.
I am from Bill and Helen…who were from John and Susanna and Jacob and Justina…from
Faspa on Sundays with Zwieback, Kotletten and Platz.
I am from sleeves too short and shoes too small…from fair skin and blue eyes.
I am from ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’…from ‘hard work never hurt anyone‘.
I am from scary bedtime stories of bears and black widow spiders…which I both loved and loathed.
I am from a Mennonite country church where the men wore suits and the older women wore hats…where the congregation sang in beautiful four-part harmony…and where the words from Psalm 29:2 'O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness’ were posted at the front of the sanctuary. …where the German language was frequently spoken…where families visited in each others homes. I’m from baptisms in the river and Sunday school picnics at a farm…and a rich heritage of faith in God.
I am from German school and polishing shoes on Saturdays…from cinnamon toothpicks and sen-sens…from root beer floats and onion rings…from five cent cones and chocolate bars. I’m from hopscotch, marbles, yo-yo’s , Chinese skipping and tether ball. I’m from playing Red Rover, Prisoner’s Base, Beckon-Beckon, Eevie Ivy Over and 500-Up. I’m from pop-tops and pedal pushers .
I’m from spelling bees and reciting poetry…and competition in the classroom. I’m from climbing trees and building forts and having sleepovers in the hayloft. I’m from recycling before it was vogue…from re-using my lunch bags and wearing hand-me-downs on occasion. I’m from picking berries in the summer and swimming in the slough…and riding my bike wherever it was I wanted to go.
I’m from neighbours lending a hand and sharing a party line. I’m from shopping at Eaton’s Department store and the five-and-dime.
I’m from the heart of the Fraser Valley…from farm fresh milk and famous Chilliwack corn. I’m from a story teller extraordinaire who could fix anything and his best friend and listener who was a wonderful cook and welcomed friends and strangers into her home.
I am from good people…what more could I ask? Where are you from?
Have a wonderful weekend...