Sunday, March 30, 2008

no fear...

I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
and delivered me from all my fears!
Psalm 34: 4

That wonderful verse is a reminder to give our fears over to God. Somehow we can move though the worst of circumstances with confidence when we are assured of His protection.

I have no idea what this week will hold...but no matter what happens, I know He will be faithful.

I will give Him my fears today...and again tomorrow.


  1. That sunrise is something else! Thanks for the positive word today. I love positive words; I need positive words.

    Look for incoming. My goodness this making of Paska is exhausting! :>

  2. May the sunset be as gorgeous as the sunrise this week.
    Psalm 46. God is our refuge and strength...we do not need fear. He also says "Be still and know that I am God".
    Love and Prayers

  3. Hi Judy...You have such a beautiful way of putting your thoughts into words...the words are oh so true and comforting...I hope you had a beautiful Lord's day.......Dee Dee

  4. Judy, thank you for reminding us to seek the Lord, and to leave or fears and worries with Him! May He bless you this week. Dairymary

  5. Judy, thank you for reminding us to seek the Lord, and to leave our fears and worries with Him! May He bless you this week. Dairymary

  6. Judy, thank you for reminding us to seek the Lord, and to leave our fears and worries with Him! May He bless you this week. Dairymary


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson