Thursday, May 20, 2010

taking care of business...

I'm back from a short getaway...
at one of  British Columbia's most well known destinations...
especially after the winter games of 2010. 

As I was a business trip of sorts...

...and so I thought I should post at least one photo of the business portion of the trip! 

That was about as business-like as we got.

We had such a good time...
and of course I'll tell you all about it..

A freak storm blew through the valley yesterday afternoon...
downing trees and power lines.

I returned home last night...
to find that our power was still off...

...and the second half of our ancient willow lay sprawled across the farmyard.

It was just over a week ago that the tree split in two...

We hired a logger to come cut up the windfall...
and just completed the clean-up of 'phase one'...
when yesterday's winds arrived.

The tree landed right next to our pick-up truck...
and with farm equipment parked nearby...
without doing any damage.

We are so thankful once again that there was no one nearby.

'Phase two' clean-up is about to begin!

Have a terrific Thursday...


  1. Whew - God is sure looking after you - twice a tree comes down and nobody and nothing is hurt!! PTL

  2. Yikes! So glad it didn't land on the truck or any equipment. Also happy too hear you had such a nice getaway!

  3. Hmmmm - does that good maritime business sign have anything to do with your business up there?
    I'll be waiting to find out!

  4. I did a double take at the fallen willow tree. .I guess my post today would apply well.
    I am so glad you were able to conduct business in such a wonderful setting.

  5. I guess that willow's day was over. So gld no one was hurt! Was the tree diseased?

    After seeing you and Marg with the cow statue I'm guessing "ice cream"! :-)

  6. Glad to hear no one was hurt. Now there will be no worries about it. It was a stormy night but we didn't have that kind of wind.

    Cow business? Milk? Ice cream?

  7. So where ever you went is having a cow parade? I just LOVE cow parades! Houston's was fabulous!

    We will get your winds tomorrow. There is a dead tree in front of where I work. Secretly I hope it takes down the building...and I would have to take a few days off until it was fix.

    (Dear God...I am sorry for having such evil thoughts. Amen.)

  8. Oh boy! If you doubted that God was on the job last week, it can't be doubted this. Yay for no one's being hurt.

    Here's a funny for you. I was just reading your comment and I literally said out loud, "What devotional?" as in what is Judy talking about. It took me a moment to figure it out and I've been chuckling ever since. So, to answer your question, that would be a "No." :D

    Looking forward to your report on the non-business business trip.

  9. What a shame to lose that beautiful big tree. Thankfully nobody was hurt and nothing was damaged.
    You've got the best of my curiosity with your business trip. Whatever it entailed, I have no doubt you will turn it into an interesting post. I'll be back to find out.

  10. That's so sad about your willow. They are such beautiful trees. You have my condolences.

  11. I can't believe you guys got hit again. How wonderful that the people you love where not hit and the machinery that you use, escaped. What a powerful storm.

    The "cows" sign made me smile. Business trips are different for everybody. Can't wait to hear bits and pieces from the rest of your day.

  12. God continues to protect...He is so faithful!

  13. I'm so happy to hear that no one was hurt! I absolutely love your blog and saw it on 'Blogs of Note'! I would love to find out how you add pictures to your blogs and all the fun colors and headers!

  14. I just stumbled on your site. It looks like you live not far from me. I am on an Island in Puget Sound. and have been blogging for 6 years, although not much lately. We just had a NASTY bout of winter weather, and watching the Seattle weather just now it appears we may get even more. SWELL! There go the tomatoes!

  15. Glad you girls had fun away from the farms. That was a nasty wind. I had a potted tree fall over that will now find a secure spot in the ground. Kathy

  16. I always cry at the death of a tree! but sooo thankful no one was hurt and not equipment damaged !!!


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson