Monday, July 26, 2010

greetings from Littleton...

We found some more family we had never met...out here in Littleton...and spent an evening touring about.  We had dinner on a hillside golf course with an great views....saw amazing red rock formations...

...and caught a glimpse of Denver in the distance.  We saw deer, red fox...and a rattlesnake...while the Colorado moon hung in the evening sky above us.  Today we are off to Colorado Springs.


  1. You find family everywhere? Fascinating! Love that photo of the Denver skyline. Don't you think you need a playlist with John Denver songs for this tour? :D Stay away from the rattlesnakes!

  2. I'm enjoying your travel posts, going along with you in my mind's eye. Your lavender field header is gorgeous.

  3. This is so much fun for me. My BIL and SIL lived in Littleton, CO for a few years so I can identify with this visit too. Colorado Springs was always on my list of places I'd like to visit. Enjoy!

  4. Do you have someone to visit here? I think of James Dobson and Focus on the Family when I think of Colorado Springs.

  5. Dear has family in Littleton, also. Looks like you are really getting around nicely! Enjoy Colorado Springs...

  6. This is a falous photo of the distant Denver skyline, Judy! Hope you get a chance to drive (or take the cog railway) up Pike's Peak while you are in Colorado Springs!

  7. I look forward to each of your destinations! I am beginnig to feel as if I am on vaction right from my computer!


  8. Colorado Springs - for some reason it has always stood out in my imagination. I look forward to your post and a photo from there.
    So - family down in Colorado? The world is, indeed, small!

  9. Wonderful skyline shot Judy. ..thanks for the mail :)


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson