Friday, October 5, 2007

Alpine Meadows Resort

Thanksgiving is a special family time...and we're off to Alpine Meadows Resort near Clearwater, B.C. to spend the weekend with the whole gang. We're not going to let the weather forecast dampen our spirits and we're looking forward to a fun time together!

Tim is hand-picking a family team to enter in the Survivor challenge that is being hosted up there this week-end...I'll let you know how they make out. Broni is organizing our annual 'why I appreciate you' game that we do around the Thanksgiving table. Our names all go in a hat & we express our appreciation for the one who's name we draw...and there's always a box of kleenex nearby! We've left Jeremy in charge of the whole fishing thing; I'm pretty sure he's not really counting on catching fish since I don't see fish on the menu.

So you can see it's not ALL about the turkey...

however, we caught Tom this morning and he's definitely coming along! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

P.S. Thanks to the Lindhouts who are staying behind to look after the farm so that we can be together this Thanksgiving!


  1. Way to go my friend. We do a similar experience around our Thanksgiving Table. Like you said, "Out come the Klenexes"
    Have a wonderful weekend and will wait to hear from you when you're back again.

  2. Oh I do hope you have a fantastic time with your family. What a blessing to have the opportunity to sneak off the farm for a bit. I understand your thankfulness for the farm sitters.
    I couldn't help but smile at Tom . ..
    I love your idea of the round the table thankfulness.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend ahead of you! Hope you all have a blast together and enjoy some good "Tom!" :)

  4. Never mind being misty, Turkey up!!
    Wow, Enjoy the Meadows and the Alpine. Hope the resort has a fireplace and hot tubs. You lucky guys. Guess I am kind of jealeous. Our Thanksgiving is on hold till our kids get back from Disneyland. Blessings to ya' all!!
    Your sis Martha

  5. I hope Tom enjoyed his last ride!!!!!


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson