Friday, October 19, 2007

another reason to smile...

Today is a school holiday...professional development day, or whatever. Emme & Spencer knew that meant they could stay up late last night, so they thought it was a good time to come to Grammy's for a sleepover. It was also the day we had picked to go shopping for our Operation Christmas Child gifts. There may have been a wicked storm brewing outside, but we had a whole lot of fun filling up our shopping cart with gifts we were sure two girls in some poor country would be only to happy to receive this Christmas. By the time we ran from the store to the car with all our packages, we were drenched! Once we were back home, they hopped into their pj's and next thing I knew they were modelling outfits from the 'tickle trunk'. A bridal veil & and apron...what could that be? "Queen of the kitchen"...I guess. They are so fun!

After dinner we packed up our shoe boxes and the girls each made a card to include with their gift. We snuggled on the couch to watch 'Buzz & Poppy'...and the evening was gone before we knew it. Bedtime prayers included all of the family...'and don't forget the girls who will be getting our shoe boxes this Christmas!'

So let the wind blow & the rain come was warm inside this house.


  1. Oh my! What memories you are creating for your little granddaughters. One look at those sweet faces and it's obvious that they have a wonderful time at Grammie's.

    Is this box anything like what Franklin Graham does?

    P.S. I hang out with a lot of Canadians (mother is Canadian as is my grandmother) so I understand "eh." You may even "hear" me use it! :)

  2. Great way to share the needs of less developed countries. Who knows maybe one day you will be supporting their first missions trips, only because you triggered their hearts early in life.

  3. You certainly allow the love of Jesus to radiate through you to others. Praise God for people like you. Martha


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson