Sunday, September 28, 2008

running the race

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run,
but only one gets the prize?

Run in such a way as to get the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24-25

I was so proud of my two little granddaughters on Friday. They ran the entire two miles of the Terry Fox run at their school...and they came in near the front of the pack. At six years old...that's determination! I'm sure it helped to have a few cheerleaders to encourage them along the way. Daddy ran alongside...Mommy and Ryder walked the route...Grammy and Auntie Heidi waited for them at the half-way mark and cheered them on.

And so it is in the 'race' of life...we must run to win. A few cheerleaders along the way make a huge difference...if we surround ourselves with friends who encourage us on our journey, the road is so much easier. So set your sights on the the pain...don't look back...and let's meet at the finish line!


  1. I'm just running to finish!

    Yay for the girls! Two miles is a long way to run for girls just six years old. I bet everyone is very, very proud of them!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Praying that Heidi's baby will show up.....soon!!!

  4. What a great post Judy. Real life .. . put into persepective with a lesson to boot.
    Your grandgirls. . are great, and you are a great grammy to be there cheering them on. . .
    What a great task we have to be cheerleaders to the next generation.

  5. That is a precious picture of the girls running with dad - trying to keep in step with their Father. That is such a beautiful picture of us and the Holy Spirit, our guide, keeping us on track.

    Easy to give up had they been running alone -- but not with the crowd that was cheering them on. Way to go, Mom, brother, Auntie and Grammy.

  6. Way to go! There are so many different ways of running the race.
    Isn't it fun to be part of their lives?
    We're all still waiting....

  7. New to blogging as of today. What a wonderful lesson. I just learned this past week that I will be a "G-Paw" next year!!!! Can't wait!!!
    Dr M

  8. judy i really needed to hear this today......tomorrow, the next day. i always feel that i will never be finished...the or should i say the challenges in life demand perseverance.....thanks judy

  9. Two miles! I wouldnt be too keen to do that now! well done the girls!


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson