Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Oh, The Places I've Been!

It seems I'm always coming or going...packing or I have decided to keep a travel blog on my sidebar. Travel posts will be listed below in chronological order...with the most recent one at the bottom.

There's nothing like taking a trip...why not join me?


  1. Hi Judy--Wouldn't I love to join you on your journeys! Do you need an assistant? :-) If you ever plan a trip down the Washington, Oregon, California coastline, and are interested in info, please let me know--have made the trip lots of times and can fill you in on fun "side trips" and places to stay in your motorhome. You can reach me at

  2. I enjoyed looking at a few of your trips that I missed, Judy! I visited Newfoundland and Cape Breton also, so those were the first two that I read.

    It was a nice idea to categorize them all this way! As I travel more I think I'll try to do the same. Thanks!

  3. You, are definitely the most traveled friend I know. Amazing!! Love seeing the places you have seen!


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson