As the sun sets on 2014...
let me gather a few memories of the 'year that was'.
We had springlike January...
one that had us hiking the local trails rather than shoveling snow!

Valentine's Day was celebrated with a grand chocolate fondue!
March found us in our favorite oasis in the desert.

April ~ Easter.
Eggs, treasure hunts, paska, daffodils.
And above all...
a risen Savior.

The merry, merry month of May...
was mostly about making 'hay' and planting the crops.
June brought showers, flowers, rainbows...
and a trip to Barkerville with friends.

Highlights of July included ...
picnics, bike rides, camping trips with the grands, and a family reunion in Manitoba.

We began August at Halcyon Hot Springs in BC's Kootenay Rockies...
and spent the rest of the month close to home...
taking care of business.
We celebrated his milestone birthday on September 11th by hiking the Grouse Grind.
We also enjoyed a wonderful little RV getaway to Vancouver Island's west coast...
early in the month.
And on the farm...
the bumper crop of corn came off the fields.
October ~ a quick trip to Whistler gave us our fix of fall colour.
we watched the sun set and the moon rise over the palm trees of Palm Springs.
It began with picture perfect winter weather..
...and left us with memories of Christmas
...and family gathered together.
It ended with frigid temperatures...
creating beautiful snow-capped peaks all around.
A year of the good and the bad...
the everyday and the extra-ordinary...
the easy and the difficult...
the beautiful and the ugly...
the peaks and the valleys.
That is life!
As the year comes to a close...
I thank God for His faithfulness.
His mercies are new every morning.
Though I know not what tomorrow may hold...
I know He holds tomorrow!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.