Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2013

out and about on easter sunday...

We awoke to sunshine and warm temperatures...
and all went to the early service on Easter Sunday morning.
And a wonderful service it was!

They came for lunch...
the whole gang.

But lunch wasn't ready...
so they went dandelion picking.


Dandelions and white dresses are not a good combination...


...and after showing our appreciation for the lovely bouquets
...we persuaded them to find a new activity.

We had our Easter picnic out on the patio this year.
I'm sure that will not be happening again anytime soon!

Some actually thought it was a little too bright out there...
and went in search of eye protection.
Cute, Emme!

The grands had fun searching for eggs!

It may have been Lucy's first 'egg hunt' but she seemed to know the drill.
Oh what fun!

The Easter bunny makes the hunt a little more difficult for some than for others!
 It seems he delivered Spencer's basket via the rural route mailman.

And when the eggs were all found...
and a good number of chocolates were down the hatch...
they blew bubbles.

And had an underduck or two.
And soon it was over...
our family Easter get-together of 2013.
Though the fun, games and food are over...
my prayer is that they never forget the message of Easter.
He is risen!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

finding hidden treasure...

They came in their Easter finery...
the treasure hunters.

Wee Lucy was all tuckered out from her attempts at crawling while wearing a dress...
and decided it was best if she napped while the others hunted for eggs.

Cousin Micah came looking all dapper...

...and seemed to know exactly what an Easter egg hunt was all about!

It didn't take him long to dig all the gummy worms out of his eggs!

For one day only...
eggs grew on raspberry canes...

...and in cedar trees.

They each searched for their own Easter basket...
eggs galore...
and a package from 'Auntie Emme'.

The grass field was out-of-bounds
(since any un-found treasure would wind up in the cattle feed)...
with one exception.
Somewhere in the big wide-open field were some packages for the two oldest grands.

It turns out Spencer and Emme are very good at finding hidden treasure!

And once all that was lost had been found...
they had a wonderful time playing with their new treasures.

The biggest hit?

The bubble blowers!

What could be more fun...

...then making mega bubbles on a breezy, sunny day in April?

How long can a bubble be?

It was a big disappointment when Ryder found his bubble 'ammunition' had run dry.

Thank-you Auntie Emme for giving us such fun treats!
(Auntie Emme is my sister Mary Ellen...
who has always been Auntie M.E. to my children...
and now to their children.)

The girls all decided that shoes were un-necessary.
After all...
the sun was shining!
Once all the treasure hunting, bubble blowing and swinging was done...
guess who joined the party?
 Lucy was done napping!

And that was the expanded version of what happened at our house on Easter Sunday.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012 ~ the condensed version

It was a beautiful Easter morning sunrise...

...that I was actually up to witness!

As the sun came up over Mt. Cheam...
the moon was making an exit in western sky.

We made it to the early service on Easter Sunday.
It was the best place to be!

And after...
we gathered around the table as a family.
And we ate the same meal we eat every year at Easter...
ending with paska, of course!

The Easter bunnies hid the eggs....
here, there and everywhere!

The grands were let loose to go on their hunt!

They divided up the spoils.
The sun shone.
A good time was had by all!

It was a good day!

And tomorrow...
I'll likely give you the expanded version.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He's alive!

 Why do you look for the living among the dead? 
 He is not here; he has risen! 
Luke 24:5-6 NIV

He's alive
He's alive
He's alive
 And I'm forgiven heavens gates are open wide
He's alive!
Blessings to you and yours on this Easter Sunday!

Monday, April 25, 2011

the bunny came and went...

Easter Sunday began sunshine...and a wonderful church service.  

Our plans were to have an afternoon Easter egg hunt with the grands...
and as it clouded over, we realized we were in a race against the rain!

The bunny decided to hide eggs at the farmyard this year...
and had no sooner hidden the last eggs...
than the drizzle began.

They never seemed to notice though.

It was the spectators that found it a little damp! 

When the last eggs had been uncovered...
we moved the party up the hill to Kris and Lisa's for Easter dinner. 
We all brought our contributions...

...and Broni brought a work of fruit-art! 

The guys hung out in the living room...
where Kris has been holed up these last few weeks.   
Things are looking up for him though...
he is spending less time in the hospital bed and more time in the recliner now. 
Oh...and he ordered up a motorized wheelchair a few days ago and has been doing a little cruising in the neighbourhood. 

Did I mention that there happened to be a Canuck's play-off hockey game on last night? 
Unfortunately, that did not end well!

Any idea what I might have gifted the girls for Easter? 
Why...a cookbook, of course!

The grandsons decided to dress up for Easter dinner...
and found some ties to match their shirts!

Micah had paska for the very first time...
and liked it just fine!

Once dinner was over...
they begged to go out to play. 
Why...the rain had all but stopped.

They amused themselves out there until the day was all but done. 

And before we all parted ways...
the Easter bunny made one last appearance. 
Until next year!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Blessings...

I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible
greatness of His power for us who believe in Him.
This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead
and seated Him in the place of honour at God's
right hand in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 1:19-20 NLT

Whether the eggs are hung painted...
or the details are all looked after...
won't matter at all in the end.

The only thing that really matters is Jesus.

Wishing you a blessed Easter!