A new year is upon us...
a blank book of 365 pages waiting to be written.
I began on page one...
thankful for the sunshine, the snow nearby and the beauty that surrounds us.
We enjoyed a drive along the Fraser River...
a warm bowl of soup at a restaurant along the way...
and a late afternoon walk along the Vedder River.
it was a good start to the book called 2016.
Before I do too much writing in my new book...
let me gather a few memories of the year that was.
January ~ It was a mild and warm month...
and included some 'sister time' at Harrison Hotsprings Resort.
February ~ We cruised around tip of South America and spent a week in Peru.
The highlight? A visit to Machu Picchu.
The highlight? A visit to Machu Picchu.
March ~ Spring came early as did the blossoms!
April ~ Easter and tulip time!
May~ making hay.

June ~ Camping at Whistler with Emme and Spencer.

July ~ Family picnics, camping, hiking and just enjoying summer in the valley.
August ~ a trip to the east coast of Canada
...where we enjoyed the delights of Quebec, New Brunswick and PEI.
September ~ last grass harvest of the year.
October ~ A time for Thanksgiving!
November ~
The calm before the storm...as the valley was hit by a huge wind storm!
And then came December...
The calm before the storm...as the valley was hit by a huge wind storm!
And then came December...
...and Christmas Day
(which always includes brunch with our favorites).
A white Christmas called for a Christmas Day late afternoon walk.
The last week of December included some fun times in the snow on the hills nearby...
...and lots of cold, crisp days in the valley.
It was a good year.
I thank God for His faithfulness...
and am thankful that 'come what may' He is still in control!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.