I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. ~ Anne with an 'e'
Let me share a few reasons why.
Sunshine and beautiful colours...
...and flowers in their last hurrah.
Then there was the cousin party in Terry's shop...
where Lovella served up apple fritters hot out of the pan!
Thanksgiving...with so many reasons to give thanks!
Cross country races...
where we cheered on the grands.
Seeing the Fraser Valley from on high in October is a beautiful thing!
A helicopter trip to the back country of the Coastal Range...
...on a sunny and warm October day will live long in our memories.
So glad we won this fantastic door prize at a fundraiser last year!
So glad we won this fantastic door prize at a fundraiser last year!
We found a nice spot to have a wee picnic...
...while our pilot took a nap on the precipice.
No need to build an inukshuk...
someone had beat us to it.

Heidi celebrated her 40th birthday.
Can our baby really be that old?
Thanking God for the gift of our daughter on that day I will never forget...
October 21, 1978.
Maggie and Lucy came for a sleepover...
and since it felt like summer we decided to have a wiener roast on last time.
Just before dawn...we were awakened by a car crash on the freeway next to our place.
The girls jumped out of bed and we all walked to the overpass to see what had happened.
And since we were up anyway...
we went to check out the cranberry field down the road.
It looked much more colourful the following day in broad daylight...
as the harvest was underway.
It looked much more colourful the following day in broad daylight...
as the harvest was underway.
We so enjoyed October...
eating on the patio and watching the sun set from there.
And more.
To be continued next month.
Thanks for stopping by My Front Porch.