Let me start with an iconic 'summer on the farm' pic...
the view from my front porch last week as the neighbours baled hay on the hottest day in July.
but discovered a lot of beauty of beauty nearby.
This 'field of dreams' called for a quick photo stop while riding bike the other day.
There were many bike rides this month...
an easy way to get out and stay a safe distance from everyone else.
One sees so much more on a bike than in a car.
Things like a lovely garden on the roof of the barn.
Or a symphony of flowers on top of a piano.
The mighty Fraser River usually peaks in early June...
but 2020 is not a usual year in any sense!
The river peaked and flooded three times this year.
We cycled the dykes next to the river...
...and saw corn fields under water.
Even our corn fields which are far from the river...
were not off to a good start this year.
It seemed the rain just kept coming...
and the fields were mud.
It was a bit of a stretch to say the corn was 'knee high by the first of July'.
The grands were waiting for the corn to be tall enough to play hide-and-go-seek in.
We celebrated three birthdays here early in July...
and I guess they decided that if they got down on their hands and knees
they could hide in the corn field.
Maggie's cast would never be white again!
Sweet Lucy turned nine this month.
They posed with the Covid Smart sign...
but in reality it's hard to keep Lucy and Maggie apart.
Sisters and best of friends.
Between showers...
...the grass came off the fields once again.
Breakfast is always on the patio...if it's not raining.
Spending time with friends is pretty special these days...
after months of 'isolation'.

We have enjoyed cycling with friends...
...and watching our on-line church service with our care group on the back patio.
What a treat to have an outdoor brunch with friends last week...
a group of us that had not been together since Christmas.
I am thankful that it is summer...
and that we can meet up safely outdoors in small groups.
What is an orange float...they wondered.
I told them to come in once they were good and hot...
and I’d make them each an orange float.
That is my favorite summertime ‘blast from the past’ treat.
Last month dad was hospitalized and not doing so well.
This month he felt up to going out for some fresh air on his scooter.
Let me leave you with one photo taken at Whistler,
where we ended the month.
We celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary on the last day of July...
with a little hiking n the mountaintops.
I am documenting our time in Whistler in a separate blog post (scroll down or click on the link).
And that is just a little glimpse into life here this past month.
Hope you are all enjoying the summer!