We are about to turn the page to 2019.
Can another year really be over already?
I am so thankful for the many blessings of the year gone by
For now, let me highlight a few happenings of the past month.
We began the Christmas season with a MGCC celebration hosted by Terry and Lovella.
As you can tell...it was most special!
Fabulous food, beautiful decor...
along with the warmth and laughter of good friends...
made it a most memorable evening.
Earlier this month, we took in the Christmas Market in Vancouver (under umbrellas)...
had dinner on the waterfront and enjoyed a lovely concert at the Orpheum theatre with friends.
Another evening...another Christmas celebration.
Our small group was invited for dinner...
and our hosts went out of their way to make it special!
There were school concerts...
(Lucy sang her heart out!)
...and Christmas violin recitals.
Then there was the 'Irish Christmas' community concert...
featuring a youth orchestra and an Irish dance school.
We took Maggie, Ranen and Lucy...
who enjoyed both the concert and the snacks after!
December was a busy month.
We moved dad from his apartment to a suite in a retirement community in Chilliwack.
His cooking days are over!
He can now sit down at the table and be served.
He's quite content in his new little suite...
reclining in his chair and watching re-runs from yesteryear.
And then...
there was Christmas.
We took dad along to the Christmas Eve service and to our place for an evening of food, fun and games.
In the morning...
the family came for brunch.
And then...
there was Christmas.
We took dad along to the Christmas Eve service and to our place for an evening of food, fun and games.
In the morning...
the family came for brunch.
And after...
gift opening fun!
What used to be so chaotic...
was really calm and quiet this year.
They are all growing up!

These three had worked up a special Christmas surprise for us.
Late afternoon on Christmas Day...
we went for a walk on the trails at Cheam Wetlands.
It was a lovely finale to Christmas Day 2018!
We had December weather that was 'for the birds'!
They quite liked it...
and so did we.
We had the warmest December in years...
with lots of rain and sunshine...
and no snow (to speak of).
I enjoy watching the little birds through the kitchen window...
...but clouds of ducks settling in on the fields are not a welcome sight!
We encourage them to move on. :)
As the last day of of the year draws to a close...
the sun is shining on snow-capped peaks...
and the skies are blue.
What will tomorrow bring?
We do not know what lies ahead...
we can count on God's faithfulness!
Happy New Year!