December 31st is a good time to look back...
a do a quick review of 'the year that was'!
January brought snow...
...and a celebration of my 60th birthday.
(Many celebrations, actually!)
February...a sweet time with the grands.
a road trip along the Gulf Coast of the US from Houston, Texas to Key West.
the tulip fields nearby put on a show for us.
spring harvest on the farm.
a quick trip to Iowa to celebrate my nephew's wedding.
'the girls' got together to sign a contract for a second cookbook.
Mennonite Girls Can Cook...

we sailed to Alaska with our kids and grands aboard the Disney Wonder.
Dad turned 90.
We celebrated!
warm weather, fall harvest...
and Thanksgiving.
a trip to Palm Springs and the mountains nearby.
a drive to the snow-capped peaks just north of 'my front porch'....
and good times with family and friends as the year draws to an end.
It seems just yesterday that I stood at the threshold of 2012.
I remember being fearful of stepping into it...
and for good reason.
There are things that happened this past year...
which I was not free to share over here.
Hard things.
But as the year comes to a close...
I can say that God was faithful.
He was there...
through the valleys and the hilltops.
His mercies are new every morning.
Though I know not what tomorrow may hold...
I know He holds tomorrow!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.