Tim & Heidi couldn't be happier...and we share in their joy!

I have pictures of every theme garden by now...but can never resist a few more shots!
And I know for sure that these two were not sitting on that bench the last time I visited! Don't they make a tranquil picture?
The problem with taking a quick garden tour on a Sunday is that you are bound to meet people you know...and haven't seen for a long time...and need to catch up with.
Fancy meeting Uncle Jake here...we may live in the same community but rarely see each other, so we had a nice little visit. I was surprised to see him touring the gardens all on his own...
...but then we met a nice lady sitting on the garden bench and waiting (that would be Aunt Maggie)! After chatting for some time, we hustled back to the car to carry on with our planned agenda.
Thirty-five miles down the road we approached our next stop...Westminster Abbey...clearly visible on the hill.
Westminster Abbey is Mission's most imposing landmark...a beautiful monastery that attracts thousands of visitors annually. The Benedictine monks who inhabit the Abbey have created a self-sufficient pastoral lifestyle at this inspiring location, and welcome visitors to their grounds and for services.
The Abbey itself was designed by a Vancouver architect and completed in 1982. The monks show hospitality to guest of all faiths...and the monastery is open to the public every afternoon (except Saturday).
The slanting rays of the late afternoon sun through the beautiful stained glass bathed the abbey's interior in shades of burnt oranges and cool blues.
Inside all was still...not a sound to be heard!
It is a lovely spot...and worth a visit. We never stayed for the Sunday afternoon vespers...but guests are welcome to attend.
The Abbey sits high on a ridge above the Fraser River, on a 200-acre site that includes the abbey grounds, farm and seminary campus. Guests are free to stroll the paths...and take in the panoramic views of the Fraser Valley from the lookout.
As we were strolling...we enjoyed the toll of the ten tower bells! We saw young men in black suits making their way to the Abbey...and yes, we saw monks in their long black cloaks.
And we met other guests out on the paths...all carrying cameras. It was a wonderful place to visit...but if you plan to tour the Abbey, be sure to leave your shorts at home. The sign on the door states that those wearing shorts are not allowed inside.
But surprise of surprises...she found raspberries out there. I gave her a bowl to pick them into...but they went straight to the mouth just as fast as we could pick them. It's rather nice having everbearing raspberries...and having fresh berries right through the fall. While Ranen and I were enjoying our fall feast, I got this feeling we had done this before...it seemed like yesterday.
I checked back in my blog...and exactly one year ago I posted this photo of Ranen eating grapes in the garden.I was right...we've been here before.
Time flies...enjoy the moment!
We've enjoyed Mexican Tomato Chowder this week...with fresh tomatoes, fresh corn and fresh herbs, it is one of my favorite soups. (I posted the recipe on the MGCC blog.)
Many corn fields will be around for awhile yet. With our lack of 'heat units' over the summer, most cattle corn is not yet ready for harvest. We are having our fields opened up today...and plan to harvest the field closest to the mountain. The bear have been busy harvesting there for the past few weeks, so we need to get it off as soon as possible.
It's September 24th...I'm off to pull out the petunias and plant some winter pansies. That's it for my news of the day.
Enjoy your day!
Could that possibly be Pastor Ron selling jewelry over there? He seemed to have a way of drawing the crowds to his stall...there's nothing like enthusiasm to make a sale! Sorry, but I had no time for jewelry...I had to run check on my silent auction bids. It was my lucky day...and I came home with a few treasures.
And no one else seemed interested in a porcelain doll. I didn't really care for her dress, but left her in her petticoat...and added a crocheted cape that was once worn by my daughter. One day she will find a home in my antique doll buggy...handmade by my father-in-law over sixty years ago.
Our last stop before we left the sale, was the 'porzelky' booth. We picked up a dozen of those wonderful deep-fried fritters to go...and had us a little feast when we got home.
It's a great event...and a place for guilt-free shopping! Since when is helping people around the world this much fun?