But, although 'nothing runs like a deere'...even deer get old and tired. I suggested that possibly we could replace our ride-on mower for this season, as it was having a few issues (well, quite a few issues!). But it seems buying a new farm tractor took priority over the lawn equipment, so we are still using 'old faithful'.
Let me tell you that lawn mowing has become quite a process...especially this week! First I pedaled my bike to the farmyard to retrieve the mower from the shop...hooked up the trailer where we dump all the clippings...and drove the half mile back to our yard with the mower and trailer. Since the lawn had not been mowed for six days, it was more than the mower could handle. Before I had completed the first round it was plugged solid. ( This is where good gardening gloves are essential.) I pulled apart the blower spout and removed all the grass...but it was still plugged somewhere underneath. Somehow, I had to get my hands under the mower deck to unplug it...and finally found a small curb I could drive it up on.

Besides no longer having the capability to blow the heavy lawn grass into the bags, our good old mower has all kinds of other problems. The toggle switch that engages the mower only works on occasion...but usually it will kick in if I bounce up and down on the seat (apparently there is a safety switch under the seat, so I'm told).

Back to this last fiasco...long before I was done with my bumper crop, my trailer was overflowing...and I needed a ladder to dump the bags!

I won't even tell you what I did with the last few rounds of grass clippings. By the time I was done mowing the lawn, three hours had gone by...it was raining...and I was less than pleased with the performance of my old John Deere...it's just plain worn out!
So here's the deal! I'm thinking of ordering in a few different lawn mower tractors to try out for a few weeks (I gather that's how it's done these days)...and I'm sure Broni (my DIL) will be totally in favour. We'll give them all a fair trial...might even let you vote on which one we should buy...and before long, we will have a new John Deere lawn mower! As you can tell, I am completely unbiased.
And (since we are on the lawnmower topic), stop by and pay Trish a visit. She has a great contest going on for her 100th post...and she got a new lawnmower on the weekend!

Oh yes...about the gardening gloves...
I go through umpteen pairs of gloves each season...and usually wear through the fingers of the right hand in no time. But I just bought a pack of gardening gloves at Costco that I love...and so far, no holes! They are a combination fabric and rubber...fit like a glove and are so easy to work with. They come in a six-pack and cost $9.99...so if you have a Costco nearby, check them out.
That's it for today...and I'll let you know when the new John Deere arrives!
Now that sounds like quite the process... Thank goodness, I am only mowing a postage stamp, but it desperately needs mowing, which it isn't going to get today because I'm only here to snag the rhubarb cake recipe. :D
ReplyDeleteThe rollkuchen was delish!
Take it easy now and have fun with the new tractor process. I think you need something bigger...yes?
While I miss grass like crazy, I don't miss mowing it at all! That was my job as a kid and while we didn't have a large yard, when you're a teenage girl the last thing you want to be seen doing is pushing a lawnmower around the yard! LOL! I can't get the image of you jumping up and down on the seat of your mower out of my head! Too funny...but if it works, what the heck! I believe it's time for you to get a new mower sweetie! Going through that process each time you mow that huge yard would just be too much! Good luck!!
Judy ..I can just see you up on that John Deere...I simply adore visiting you each day...sounds like things never slow down...The lawn is just beautiful..so green..Well...I look forward to seeing the new mowers and for what it's worth guessing at the best one....I fear we have lawn service these days...Mr Dee Dee not up to the task :) He still grooms and trims around our pool area, however...
ReplyDeleteDo we get to vote? Last time I voted green and you got red. .
ReplyDeleteThe other day we were riding through the countryside and saw someone tilling with a red tractor and we wondered if it was yours. I know there are a lot of red tractors but you know how it is.
Yup, nothing runs like a deer. . hope you have fun trying them out. .
My husband is there with you when it comes to John Deere. In fact, he has a cousin who owns a large John Deere store.
ReplyDeleteHave fun shopping.
That's a pile of clippings you got there...do you compost by any chance? And as for salt on watermelon, it intensifies the sweetness of it...you should try a little bite with a shake of salt! And come on down to Chesterfield County, I'll cook up a pot creamy grits, scramble a few eggs, prepare some bacon or sausage (your pleasure) and have cantaloupe on the side...and lets not forget the hot biscuits! My treat!
Goodness, that was quite a marathon lawn cut! My husband would 'play' on tractors all day!
ReplyDeleteYour post today brought back great memories. When we lived on our hobby farm we had the same looking model JD. I experienced the exact same problems you are are having. It made me chuckle as I so remember taking off those big bags CRAMMED full of grass and sticking my hands in and under that tractor to clean out grass that was all plugged up inside. Do you kinda mumble under your breath at that thing once in a while:)? Starter problems, jumping up and down on the seat and the battery light always on. Oh ya, and we had a rip in the yellow seat and due to it being brittle with age when I wore shorts it kinda pinched the back side of my leg. A little towel solved that problem. Well... I didn't get a new one as we moved and now on a little lot we have one of those handy little hand pushed kind. We love it. Don't recommend it for your acres of lawn:) Have fun trying out a new ride. Kathy
ReplyDeletePS My daughter, grandkids and I went to Lellow today. So fun! Shopping for 2 new grandbabies. We watched a movie being set up and filmed on the corner. Good exposure for the store I hope.
Talk about lawn mowers, why don't we get together on this and double up...
ReplyDeleteOur lawn mower did exactly the same thing this week on Monday.
Half the lawn is cut...Usually it's my job also, but this time I asked John to cut while I pulled weeds.
Our home looked highly neglected.
I love your idea about the trailer behind your wagon. Our JD is about 30 years old, but some how our technician is coming out once again.
We seem to have the same conversations about buying a new lawn mower. Remember it's not really used for farm improvements!
Great story.
Yes, I need to add more info, our yellow seats are all torn, the seat slides all over the place because of my short legs. Like you said, I've had to jump on it also so that the electrical hookups keep going.
ReplyDeleteToo funny. I read Kathy's comment and thought we need to go and protest somewhere...Let me know what kind is the best for long wet grass.
I howled reading the blog -- I should have cryed or prayed for you Judy. The images in my mind were too funny. We met J&L and LOL about it. HILLARIOUS!!! You are great entertainment for us.
ReplyDeleteWe look forward to checking you out each morning.
The rhubarb cake is superb! It's unlike any of my other coffee cakes with that brown sugar batter...yummo!
ReplyDeletehaha, mowing your lawn sounds like an all out mission! And that BC weather too, making the grass grow like it's going out of style. Lots of fun in store :)
ReplyDeleteI love your lawnmower tale! I use a JD lawn tractor, too. We bought it used a few years ago after I became completely frustrated with the old Ariens we had which didn't have enough power and plugged up all time. Anyway, the JD has been dependable so far.
ReplyDeleteI really liked your photo from behind the steering wheel....great perspective!