We won't wait two years to meet again. Marg, are you busy next Thursday? Let's do another hike.
These aren't actually supposed to be on the lawn...but there's lots of them, so I guess they are part of the fall decor.
Throw in a few rudbeckias (and lots of spiders!)...add a pot or two of mums, and
...it looks a little more like autumn!
The halls are empty...they really are late! Oh well, the teacher will understand that a new puppy took priority today. Ryder likes the puppy well enough...he just doesn't like Mommy to pay too much attention to it. And Chief thought it was best just to ignore the whole thing...he walked across the fields today & paid me a visit.
He is a thirteen year old Malamute and isn't doing a whole lot of running these days. Jeremy & Broni had actually ordered a Bernese Mountain Dog pup, but changed their mind because they don't bark. They thought it might be nice to have a 'watchdog' on the farm with all the break-and-enters that have been happening in our neighbourhood recently. So hopefully Nora grows up to be both a wonderful pet and a watchdog...and a friend to Chief.
This afternoon Ranen came to visit Grammy. She is all grown up at sixteen months...she had lots of new words for me today.
There won't be too many more barefoot days this year, so she was enjoying this one.
Mmmm...there's not a fruit she doesn't like!
I met Hildegard during my junior high years at MEI in Abbotsford so many years ago. We were good friends during those years and spent time in each others homes. We each went our separate ways, and lost touch after high school. The last time I met Hildegard was several years ago at Costco...she was buying flowers for her husband because they were celebrating their love (it was a special anniversary).
This summer I met Hildegard's daughter, Lara, who was engaged to a friend of my nephew's. We exchanged notes about her mom (she wanted to know 'what was she like when she was a teen'?). Lara was so excited about her upcoming wedding! Several weeks ago we heard that Hildegard was losing her battle with cancer and had been hospitalized. The wedding which was to take place last weekend was postponed. Today Hildegard has gone to meet her Maker.
Our hearts go out to the family...I can only imagine what they are going through at this time. No words will take away their sorrow, but may they feel the love and prayers of their friends.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Let's enjoy our time with our family and friends and keep our relationships alive and healthy...our days are all numbered!
* * * * *
The clock of life is wound but once,
And no one has the power
To tell just when the hands will stop,
At late or early hour.
Now is the only time you own,
So live, love, toil with a will.
Do not wait until tomorrow
For the hands might then be still.
Heidi got me started on their soaps...they smell so good!
.... I also have the wall flower deodorizers in the coconut/lime/verbena scent.
I gather they won't be opening shops in Canada anytime soon, so I guess we'll just have to keep visiting the States to stock up!
Last Christmas I gave the girls (Heidi, Broni & Lisa) gift certificates to Bath & Bodyworks, so we went to Bellis Fair together and went on a shopping spree. What fun! It's sort of a grainy pic...so you know for sure it's not a promo for Bath & Bodyworks (or Target, for that matter!)
Anyhow, I am happy that my favorite bath products will be soooo much more affordable.
The kids loved the old water pump.
Oh yes, and the reason we were picnicking was...
"Happy Birthday, Grandpa!"
It was a good way to end the season. In a few weeks we will be celebrating Thanksgiving and we will be enjoying the beauty of fall.