This framed needlework was made for me by my 'much younger sister' Kathy, twenty-some years ago & I treasure it still.
Today she is celebrating her birthday. Kathy is a quilter, gardener, cook, and basketball enthusiast. She is also a great hostess & knows how to accommodate the hoards of family that arrive at her doorstep every summer..having an eight-bedroom house helps too! In honour of the occasion, let’s take a tour of Kathy’s gardens on the farm near Carberry, Manitoba.
Before we arrive at her place, we pass by this beautiful sunny field (likely harvested by now!)
Here she is...out in the garden where she spends a lot of time!
She also knows the name of every plant in her sprawling beds.
Let's take a closer look at the peonies.
Beyond the arbour is a massive vegetable garden. Earlier this week, she picked over a hundred pounds of tomatoes and that was just the beginning. She makes great salsa! I borrowed the recipe many years ago and it is a family favorite. (I'll post it tomorrow.)
Prepare the soil, plant the seed & water, water, water!
Wouldn't the house make a great country B & B? It is over one hundred years old, has servants quarters, and wonderful old woodwork (fourteen inch baseboards).
Every garden needs a little art. Here's a garden angel Kathy made...I like the barbed wire halo.
And here's the view as we leave the yard.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Kathy! Sorry we can't have cake (& coffee!!!) together today.
I hope your sister Kathy had a wonderful birthday. I can tell you love and admire her very much.