Monday, December 20, 2010

no peanuts for our little peanut...

I can pass on the candies...and the chocolates over the holidays (I'm not saying I do, but I can!)...but I must have my favorite munchie mix every year over the holidays.  Hot and spicy nuts and bolts is what they are called...and addictive is what they are. As I was about to make up a batch last suddenly occurred to me that it might not be a good idea.  Nuts and bolts have peanuts...and my youngest granddaughter has a severe allergy to peanuts (and many other things, including strawberries).  I would never be serving munchie mix when the kids are home. 

Here's what I discovered...munchie mix is also a hit without peanuts!  I threw in some goldfish crackers and some hickory stix...omitted the peanuts...and everyone was happy.  (Though I will admit that I made a secret stash with peanuts...since I really DO like peanuts.)

She may be barely two...but she does not argue if she is told she can't eat something.  She knows bad things happen when she does!  This whole food allergy concept is quite foreign to me...but we are catching on quickly. 

We had a big family gathering/turkey dinner here yesterday (well, actually today but I'm not posting this until tomorrow!)  I'll tell you about it some other time...when I have a little more energy.  Right now I'm off to have another cup of coffee...and some munchie mix. 

Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. Oh it sounds challenging, but oh so very worth it to keep Maelyn well. These allergy things seem to be getting worse. I wonder what causes them and if she will ever outgrow them...

  2. It is something we just don't think about. It is good that she is understanding this while she's young .. .and maybe one day they'll figure out why some are so much more challenged with food allergies than others.
    You are a resourceful grammy!

  3. Can totally relate as we have those issues too with a couple of grands. It's challenging - but the moms are doing an amazing job and I'm still getting educated about GFCF diets, lol!

  4. Thought of you and that 30# turkey. I'm sure all was wonderful and I so understand the recovery process after these events!

  5. Thank you! I was looking for a good nuts and bolts recipe yesterday; I know this one will be fantastic.

  6. That's a great change to the nuts and bolts, I love hickory sticks! But, yes, a secret stash with peanuts is also a great idea! Enjoy the coffee and some quiet stash time! Hopefully you are pleasantly pooped after the big shin-dig!

  7. I'm sorry to hear that Maelyn has a peanut allergy, Judy! I am baffled why this allergy is on the rise everywhere? I hope she will outgrow it someday so that she does not have to worry about avoiding nuts for the rest of her life. We have been on planes where the stewardesses ask the passengers not to eat any nuts they may have brought on board as someone has a severe allergy.

  8. Your title for this post is so clever. It must be very challenging to have to work around food allergies. It seems you have found a great way to do that with your nuts and bolts mix.
    Hope you are enjoying your coffee and munchies.

  9. Food allergies can be so scary, but the nuts and bolts look super yummy!

  10. Today she started to cough and asked me if she'd eaten a strawberry. I asked her if she'd eat pink yogurt (raspberry) and she said "NO! Sick MOMMY!"

    She's so good about it, but man a living, I miss peanut butter.

    Thanks for the nut free nuts and bolts :)

  11. I work with a girl who deals with this also. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

  12. I had to smile at your secret stash!
    Our Lillypad had a few serious food allergies, including strawberries, but she outgrew them, to our surprise, whereas our son developed them as he got older....very strange things, allergies.


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson