As the year draws to a close...I like to look back at the year that was!

January...snow high on the peaks of 'The Four Sisters' but none in the valley.
February ~ The Winter Games 2010
March ~ vacation on the Big Island of Hawaii
April ~ Tulips of the Valley
May ~ a bumper first crop of grass
June ~ a family picnic at Benanna Lake
July ~ a road trip to Colorado, new Mexico, and Utah.
August ~ farming and taking time to smell the flowers!
September ~ The first 'Mennonite Girls Can Cook' Summit
October ~ playing tourists in Seattle.
November ~ beautiful weather and fall leaves that hung on!
December ~ good times with friends and family...often around the table.
Year was a good year.
I am thankful for the many blessings that have been mine to enjoy this past year.
God is good!
The new year is just around the corner, and I am planning an extended blogging break. For the first time in three years...I promise you I will not be posting from My Front Porch for at least a month. Nor will I be visiting you on your front porch...or anywhere else in blogdom. How's that for resolve? Fear not...I will be back one day. And in the can be sure I will think of you all often...and wonder what you are all up to...but I will not peek! I'll be missing you...all my blogging friends.
With warmest wishes for 2011!