The trail is lined with wildflowers, lush vegetation...
...and views of the Bedford Channel (a part of the Fraser River).
It was a warm day...and lots of folks were out on the water enjoying the sunshine..

Others had staked out their spot along the shore...hoping to bring home some salmon for dinner!
I left the big camera behind and took a few photos with my pocket camera...which doesn't quite do justice the views we enjoyed. But if you squint a can make out the snow-capped peak of Mt. Baker in the background. Though the mountain lies in Washington State just south of provides us on this side of the border with magnificent views year-round since the peak is covered almost entirely in glaciers. We do not pay duty to enjoy the view!
The trail connects the first Hudson's Bay Company site in Fort Langley (1827) to the second one which opened in 1839...and is now the National Historic Site in downtown Fort Langley. It is short, easy and there is much to see along the trail. And...we even learned a few things.
And when the jaunt was over...we had black raspberry cheesecake ice-ream cones at the 50's diner in Fort Langley. I'd recommend that as well!
That bike trail would be on my "to do" list for every summer and fall. Lucky you to have such a trail and a bike handy. Hope you can go ride it for a "show off" event when you turn there's a goal for you!
ReplyDeleteHere I thought you went horse back riding. It is so true that you see so much more when you aren't whizzing by in a car. Nice views!
ReplyDeleteGreat views from your bikes. And a lot of exercise to boot:)
ReplyDeleteI love the Fort Langley area and try to stop there a couple of times of year - but I've never seen those views because I've never been on a bike there.
ReplyDeleteWhat is missed is why I prefer car travel over plane...unless one is in a hurry.
ReplyDeleteSo many beautiful sites are missed in life....glad you seem to notice them all.
And that is one reason I love living in Fort Langley! We walk the trails often. The trail you were on has been extended all the way to the Golden Ears Bridge, so you'll have to come back and check it out : )
ReplyDeleteJudy, I love reading your blog. You are an inspiration to me many, many times. I love how you document all the activities with your grandkids and kids, and your adventures. We are recent grandparents to twins and we are enjoying them very much. We can hardly wait to take them camping and we have enjoyed walking the Fort to Fort trail with them(in their buggy). We live very close to F. Langley and enjoy those sites that you posted. Keep up the blogging
ReplyDeleteHow lucky you are to have such a lovely trail to enjoy. Lucky me, too, to be able to see it through your lens.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like a fantastic trail. We've driven it...but never rode it. I love your views.
ReplyDeleteGive me that saddle any day...just need more's so peaceful to ride and see things differently.