So this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Another year over
And a new one just begun

I'm still singing the songs...but the calendar says Christmas is over! And it was a good one at our place.
We had the whitest Christmas in a very long time...and it felt much more Christmassy than our usual west coast weather. The snow fell all morning on the 24th...and my visitors came across the field on their horse and sleigh!

They made a few snow angels for me...and they were on their way.
Sometime in the afternoon we learned that the evening church service was cancelled...due to road conditions! What? Come snow or high winds...we would have been there...we wouldn't miss those 'choirs of little angels' singing because of a little (well...maybe a lot!) of snow. Our 'after church appetizer night' became an all evening event.
Baby Maelyn was the first to arrive in her chariot ...
...wearing a sweater set that her mommy once wore...and quite happy to spend the evening with this noisy throng.

Emme and Spencer perched themselves on the bar they could keep guard over the Christmas sweets! An appetizer buffet on Christmas Eve...with family...while the snow is falling just about the perfect way to celebrate the occasion.
We changed things up a little this year. Tradition has it that Santa shows up at the door on Christmas morning...while we are all at the table enjoying brunch. Emme and Spencer know the drill...and are waiting for 'Grandpa Santa' to disappear from the table...and show up minutes later at the door, in costume. Well, since it was snowing so hard...Santa had to start his rounds early this year...and suddenly showed up at the door as we were still nibbling on our appetizers. The grands were surprised all right...but not nearly as startled as Broni, who nearly fell off her chair.

Eventually, they all were coaxed onto Santa's you can tell, Ranen was not too thrilled about the whole thing! She wasn't really convinced that scary looking man was Grandpa Santa. Santa brought the stockings early...

...and a Christmas pillow for each of the grands.
Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night! And with that...Santa disappeared down the hall...and was gone.

It wasn't long before they were trying out the pillows on the floor...and soon they were on their way out the door...'with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads'.
Christmas morning...and the farm chores began long before we knew that we were in for a glorious sunny Christmas Day. And here's why we don't pray for white Christmas's on a dairy farm...the snowy weather usually makes for a whole lot more work! On Christmas morning the barnyard needed that the milk truck could pick up the milk as scheduled. But before that happened yesterday...a cow had managed to get her head stuck under the bars of her 'sick pen'. That called for hack-sawing through penning...and eventually freeing the distressed animal. But in the meantime...the milk truck arrived and got stuck. And all that while the guys were trying to they could have some family time on Christmas Day.
We had our traditional brunch with the gang late in the morning...and then gathered in the great room to open gifts. I hardly remember what this looked like before the grandkids arrived...

...but I think I like this picture a whole lot better! What fun we had. (Oh may notice that thermos in the lower left corner of the photo once again. One of these days I'll tell you why it always shows up...when Tim is around.)

The three youngest were all getting the same gift from Grammy and Grandpa this they opened them at the same time.
They were quite overjoyed with their 'little people' nativity sets...although Ryder was not too thrilled with having to wait until we were done opening gifts before he could pull off the packaging.

Soon enough...they had had Baby Jesus in the manger...and were acting out the Christmas story.
Emme and Spencer opened their gifts...NIV Adventure Bibles in pink and blue...and Emme read the Christmas story to us from the second chapter of Luke. Move over Heidi...I think Emme or Spencer will be reading the Christmas story to us from now on.
Maelyn needed a little help in opening her gifts this year... Mommy had many packages to open. And at the rate she is growing...that little sweater dress will be fitting her in no time!
Time flies when you are having fun...
...and before long Ryder had his soo-soo and Ranen was sitting on Grandpa's lap and looking very sleepy. It was two o'clock and time for afternoon naps.

Lisa and Ranen bid us all farewell...we sent a 'brunch' plate for Kris who had to work on Christmas Day this year. Dairy farmers aren't the only ones who don't get statutory vacation days!
While afternoon chores were happening...Ryder had his nap...and Heidi, Maelyn and I went for a short walk in the snow.

All these Christmas activities are rather draining...and Maelyn decide it was time for a little break.
We pulled out the games...played Mexican train and Uno Attack. You don't actually have to know how to play Uno attack to play the game...the fun is in pushing the button and watching the cards fly out (ask Ryder)!
The sun set on a beautiful Christmas Day...and we sat around the table one more time...and then spent the evening watching old homemade videos...of the family in days gone by.
And that was Christmas 2008...a wonderful time together with family...celebrating the birth of our Saviour so long ago.