Tuesday, February 26, 2008

spring is in the air!

If you live in a farming community, the air has a familiar (and not so pleasant) smell at this time of the year. It's time to clean out the pits after a winter of stock-piling...so it's not a good time to be hanging laundry on the line!

The pansies are blooming, as well as the heathers...and I was outside yesterday cutting off all the winter grasses, since they are beginning to send up some new leaves.
I looked up to see some heifers kicking up their heels in the field next to our house. Oh...oh! They obviously thought winter had lasted long enough and they were ready for spring. Since there are no fences, they had truly discovered freedom. I went to protect our lawn and within minutes the guys arrived for the round-up!

I decided to run for my camera instead of running after the cattle...seeing as the grass was covered in a layer of fresh manure.

The first few obediently crossed the road to return to our neighbours barn (from whence they arrived)...

...but a couple of young gals decided they would milk their adventure for all it was worth, and made a quick get-away.

It's more fun to watch than to participate...I know from experience! Eventually the round-up was over, and we all went back to our spring tasks.

I must get back out there and finish what I started yesterday...because the rain is coming. First I will go for my morning walk...still no pedometer. Does anyone have a recommendation as to a brand? I've already bought two in 2008, which have both gone missing...and I'm a little reluctant to invest in more disposable pedometers!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. OH Judy. . .I love the sights at your farm. There is nothing like young heifers in the sunshine.

    I'm so sorry you keep losing your pedomter. You'll have to get one with a tether that you can slip through a belt. I'm always paranoid mine will be gone but so far so good.
    Enjoy that spring air. . .and oh yah .. no hanging out sheets here either.

  2. I think I we might need to go to Mad Dog's together to buy one.
    Maybe that will be our answer, but at the same time, when I see those heels kicking up how can anyone ever keep a pedometer on their waist.
    I can just see you smiling, protecting your garden and taking pictures instead of getting right into the action of chasing those animals. I think we've done it long enough.

  3. Such a fun story! Back during my high school years I dated a young man whose father owned a dairy farm a couple of towns away. There were many times when those little pistols got out and we had to go round them up! I loved it!! (I'm such a dweeb!) Thanks for bringing back some very pleasant memories!


  4. Nice pics of your countryside, Judy!
    I grew up on a farm and I so remember those not so pleasant smells and not hanging out any clothes during those times.
    I have a cheap pedometer and so far it works well and I haven't lost it yet.

  5. It's incredible to me how early spring has arrived there...I really had no idea! With all this "spring" popping up in blogs, I should be able to make it until my own arrives in two months. LOL!

    The heifer shots were a lot of fun to see...made me grin!

  6. Wow, frolicking cows - you know Spring is coming!

    I bought the Sportline pedometer (it looks exactly like Lovella's in her first post about the walking club). The clip is fashioned like an open circle, sometimes I fasten it to the inside of my waistband with a baby diaper pin. But usually I just take my chances. It has almost worked itself loose a few times. The good thing is it was not too expensive either, only $10 here in the states. www.sportline.com, item #WV3475BL.


'The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.'
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson