I may be checking in on occasion...and have a post or two scheduled in my absence...and I'll be sure to have lots to share when I return.
Enjoy the summer...
Enjoy the summer...
Everyone is busy...and some came and went...but as our Baerg family reunion ended...those who who were there met on the steps for a parting shot. That's right...there were 101 of us in total...of all ages. We spent the weekend at a retreat centre (read college campus)...in a parklike setting on a very hot and humid weekend in July. We rekindled old acquaintances...and met a few faces we had never seen before. We played ladder golf and bocce...Rook and Mexican Train...and we ate...a lot. We heard stories from the past...and shared life experiences with one another. We had our own band...and when they weren't singing with us...they were jamming on their own in a corner. And we discovered that we had a lot of artists and artisans in our group.
We also joined together in an effort to raise funds for a new gravestone for my great-grandparents.They are buried in a little country cemetery...not far from where we met...and their graves are no longer identifiable. My dad has made it his mission to see that they have a proper gravestone...before all evidence of their burial spot disappears.
We have been meeting like this every three years over the past two decades. We have met cousins we never knew...and heard stories that had never been told. It takes a lot of work to make these events happen...and we always wonder if it will be the last one...but the plan is to gather the family from across western Canada and several American states again in 2012.
We have no idea what the next three years may bring...or how many of the 101 will be there in 2012...but as we ended our reunion...we sang together "We Have This Moment Today". It was a wonderful reminder to enjoy family...and the music of living...the everyday pleasures that are ours to enjoy...today. Don't wait for tomorrow...to look back...and wish for today!
-- Love God more than you fear hell.
-- Once a week, let a child take you on a walk.
-- Make major decisions in a cemetery.
-- When no one is watching, live as if someone is.
-- Succeed at home first.
-- Don't spend tomorrow's money today.
-- Pray twice as much as you fret.
-- Listen twice as much as you speak.
-- Only harbor a grudge when God does.
-- Never outgrow your love of sunsets.
-- Treat people like angels; you will meet some and help make some.
-- 'Tis wiser to err on the side of generosity than on the side of scrutiny.
-- God has forgiven you; you'd be wise to do the same.
-- When you can't trace God's hand, trust his heart.
-- Toot your own horn and the notes will be flat.
-- Don't feel guilty for God's goodness.
-- The book of life is lived in chapters, so know your page number.
-- Never let the important be the victim of the trivial.
(excerpt from 'The Eye of the Storm' by Max Lucado)
We may not always sail through smooth waters...but we have many God-given truths that help us navigate around the ragged rocks of reality. I like Max Lucado's list...signals he follows to help steer his vessel through the rivers of life. And I like the advice given in Jeremiah 33:3...
Call unto me and I will answer thee...and show thee great and mighty things...which thou knowest not.
...and at a place that we have frequented since our children were little. It was known as the Trans-Canada Waterslides in those days...and was quite close to home...and had evening rates of $5...and so we went as a family. It seems we once went while Heidi was at a friend's place...and so she missed out on one occasion...and for all these years we have been accused of planning family outings to the waterslides without her. Yesterday we had a family outing to the waterslides...and no one was left out!
Baby Maelyn came for her very first time...and thought it was most fun!