Since I'm sure you are all just wondering why I would be so thrilled to have a large post in my backyard...and what it could possibly be used for...I thought I better invite you to join me in 'the inauguration of the pole'.

Once we were sure that the post would stay in an upright position, I got up on the ladder and gave it a quick coat of paint. Before the paint was dry, the hardware was being attached. So that was how we spent last Friday night...the longest day of the year. When we had the post ready for action...we rewarded ourselves with a
DQ treat and hoped for sunny skies on Saturday so we could give the pole a trial run.

The sun didn't really come through for me...but it wasn't raining...and we had I thought I'd try out my new
washline with a load of white linens. Yahoo! I am so happy to have a
washline...and am so looking forward to line-dried sheets. I would have loved to give the swings a good trial run also...but was informed it might be better to allow the concrete footing to set for a few days. Okay.
So yesterday was the big day...inauguration ceremony for the post. As you know, one always invites friends and dignitaries to join in on such celebrations...and I was all ready for the event.
So who exactly joined me for the celebration? Two of my
bloggy friends were more than happy to do the honours...
...and Marg and Lovella showed up at 'my front porch' at the appointed time. We obviously don't need much of an excuse to have a party...and a new washline/swing seemed like a good enough reason!

First it was off to the Wildcat Grill for lunch out on the patio. We had a lot of things to chat about...since it's not often that we actually meet in person (this was in fact a first for the three of us!).
From there it was back to the business at hand. The swing had a good workout...and was given the stamp of approval. It's a good thing to have friends share in those little joys of life...what a fun time we had!
They were no sooner gone, than I saw my grandkids coming across the field. They have been eagerly awaiting the completion of the new swings, and were coming to check them out...
...and that they did. What fun!

Emme lost one of her front teeth a few days ago...and she found a four leaved clover near the it's all good.

The girls picked the first few ripe raspberries in my garden......and raided the strawberry patch.

So now you know the full story of post in my back yard. Most of you had it all figured out (a few were a little off the mark)...but I thank you all for your interest. And I especially want to thank my hubby who made it happen...and my friends and family who came to
check it out yesterday!
Have a wonderful day,