We think trucks get better with age...and so we tend to keep them around for a very long time.
Our pick-up truck came home from the 'spa' the other day...

...looking...oh, so much better! Here's the thing...it is a 1993 model...which doesn't seem all that old to me...but I guess it is getting on. GMC seemed to have an issue with peeling paint for a few years on their pick-up trucks...and so we thought we would 'touch up the grey' that was showing all over the hood.
I still recall our first truck...

...a vintage International. We didn't actually drive it much...but on occasion needed a truck on the farm...and this one did the trick. We actually sold the farm...and left the truck for the next owners...and have often wondered why we would have done that.
We had a raspberry farm 'back in the day'...and needed a big sturdy truck for hauling tons of berries to market...and so this was our next upgrade.

The multi-purpose three-ton truck was used in season...and out of season. I'm not sure how the calf rated...to ride in first class...but the picture shows that it happened.
We switched to a Ford 3/4 ton pick-up...and used trailers for hauling farm produce and cattle.

In the mid-seventies we bought a camper that fit nicely on our pick-up truck...and served us well...for three decades! While our friends went from campers, to trailers, to motorhomes, and back to trailers...we used the same camper. Every year we would go to the RV show...and dream about what would one day replace our camper...but it was all looking...and no action. The camper made it's last trip...from the west coast to Iowa and back a few years ago. When we got home we put it up for sale...and it sold in no time for just a little less than we paid for it thirty years earlier. Sometimes things become more precious as they age!

We have another truck that has been around the block a few times. It was my dad's....and he repainted it several decades ago...and now we find many uses for it around the farm. What could be handier for getting bark mulch than a truck with a dump box?
So...as you can tell from our tour of trucks today...nothing at this place is disposable! We keep everything for a very long time. Who knows...maybe we'll still be driving the GMC pick-up truck when there are no GMC trucks left on the road. At that point it will be a treasure, right?
Oh yes...and just so you know...I'm not usually the truck driver around here!
Have a great day...