There's no need to pucker up over grapefruit...try a Texas Rio Star in all it's sweet goodness...and you'll be glad you did.
3. From the top corner measure down 10 inches and mark (this is the non-fold side).
4. Using a rotary cutter and a ruler, cut between the two marks, making a triangle.
Broni (my daughter-in-law) agreed to model an apron for me last night...and grabbed a few props for the photo shoot. I pay my models well...she took home the apron and my 37-year-old Betty Crocker cookbook.
I would suggest washing the tea towels before sewing...which I failed to do! I'm hoping that my 'one-size-fits-all' aprons don't become 'one-size-fits small' once they have been through the wash.
So keep your eye open for some great tea towels...and have some fun! I've got another tea towel project on the back burner here...and may just share that as well once it's done.
Enjoy your day...
The robins returned...I saw the first one last Friday morning (February 20)...and took this photo through the window...so as not to scare him off. Right next to where he sat on the branch...the red winged blackbirds have been busy at the bird feeder. It seems they are back from an extended winter vacation as well. The wee snow birds are having to share their seeds now...but they seem to work it all out.
As for the ducks...they have seemingly lost all concept of seasons...and decided that our farm is a good year-round retreat. They are not aware that they have long worn out their welcome...and seem to be inviting their friends and relatives to join them.
It's time to start thinking about gardening. I was most surprised yesterday to see a few of the early shrubs in bloom! The pink blooms in the collage...
...are Viburnum Pink Dawn. The chives are ready for harvest...and I've already done some snipping.
Also in my herb garden...are many of the little green sprouts (centre top). I did the sniff test to see what they might be...so early and prolific. Hmmm...it smells very lovely...rather like spearmint. That is a bit of a problem...since I had the mint in a container...as I had been warned it is VERY invasive. It seems to have jumped out of it's cage...and is taking over!
A few pansies...and a wee bunch of daffodils...are now brightening up the front porch. It's beginning to feel like spring...and I like that feeling.
There's always the good and the bad...in every season of life...
When I started school I realized just how popular that name was...there were three Judith Ann's in my class. The teacher assigned each of us with a different version for the year. One would be called Judy...one was Judith Ann...and I was known as Judith that year, and for most of my early school years.
My older sister was named Beverley...also quite common in those years. When I was seven years old, we moved to the farm where I now live...it was purchased from a family who also had a Beverley and a Judy. How coincidental is that?
I have met many Judy's through the years...but there haven't been any in my circle of friends for a long time. And so I go by Judy...no nicknames...no initials...no Judith. (Although...my sisters call me Jude for the most part.)
But I have a new friend named Judy...and although she lives far away...she visits me quite regularly on My Front Porch. And it seems some of you are thinking I am leaving myself the nicest of comments...since you have no idea there are more Judy's out there. So...just to clarify things...if I leave a comment anywhere from this day forward...it will say Judy ~ My Front Porch.I've been busy sewing up tea towel aprons...and gave Marg one for her collection. I may just do a tutorial one of these days...if anyone is interested in a quick & easy project.